The AmeriGEO Week 2022 will be held from August 15-19, 2022 at the Universidad Americanain Asunción, Paraguay (and virtual), with support by the Government of Paraguay and the Paraguayan Space Agency. Using the theme, “Human Migration in Focus: Earth Observations for Resilience and Equitable Development”, AmeriGEO Week aims to bring communities together to identify the synergies and paths toward collaboration among National GEOs, regional efforts, and SMEs and other partners to ensure the use of Earth Observations (EO) in the decision-making process. An important element of this objective is the integration of Earth Observations, Geographic, Statistical, and other information. As a community, we recognize that data integration is the first step toward transforming data into meaningful information and knowledge for decision-making and that a joint effort is needed to achieve this goal. These talks intend to elevate the conversation beyond programmatic updates and facilitate an insightful discussion about multilateral cooperation.