Quarterly telecon (10AM-12PM EDT/GMT-4) on the BlueJeans platform to discuss agenda items with GEO Health Community of Practice, which is composed of a global network of governments, organizations, and observers.
1. Welcome
Participant introductions and update on EO4HEALTH (John Haynes, NASA; Juli Trtanj, NOAA)
Update from the GEO Secretariat (Doug Cripe, GEO)
Update on GEO Health CoP website (Helena Chapman, NASA)
2. GEO Health CoP Highlights
Recap of GEO Health Community of Practice Meeting at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019 in San Francisco, CA (John Haynes, NASA)
AmeriGEO Week 2020 (Aguascalientes, Mexico) scheduled for September 2020 (John Haynes, NASA)
2020 Global Forum on Heat and Health by the Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN) (Juli Trtanj, NOAA)
3. Introduction to Member Project
Global Geospatial Mapping and Modeling of Household-level Covariates of Infectious Disease Transmission and Child Health, awarded grant by National Institutes of Health (Josh Colston, University of Virginia) - Presentation Slides
4. COVID-19 Activities
Update on participation in global COVID-19 activities (John Haynes, NASA)
Special Notes:
Prior to the telecon, connection details will be circulated to GEO Health CoP members.
If GEO Health CoP members have any activity or publication update to highlight on the website, please email Helena Chapman (helena.chapman@nasa.gov).