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GEO Health Community of Practice Meeting (Side Event at AGU Fall Meeting 2019)

  • Marriott Marquis (Room: Foothill C, L2) 780 Mission Street San Francisco, CA, 94103 United States (map)

The GEO Health Community of Practice (CoP) and American Geophysical Union (AGU) have partnered to hold the GEO Health CoP in-person meeting on Thursday, December 12, 2019, at the AGU Fall Meeting 2019 in San Francisco, California. As a global network of governments, organizations, and observers, this international platform aims to promote interdisciplinary collaborations that use environmental observations to improve health decision-making at the international, regional, country, and district levels. This meeting will provide an opportunity for members of Earth science and public health communities to describe key international projects and updates, enhance professional networks, and discuss priority focus areas that advance GEO and AGU efforts.


1. Welcome (9:00–9:15AM PST)

  • Update on AGU/GEO Health CoP Partnership and Participant Introductions (John Haynes, NASA; Juli Trtanj, NOAA; Mark Shimamoto, AGU)

2. GEO Updates (9:15–9:30AM PST)

  • Update on the GEO Secretariat and GEO Week 2019 in Canberra, Australia (Doug Cripe, GEO Secretariat representative) (Virtual connection)

3. Invited Presentation I (9:30–9:50AM PST)

*****10-minute Break*****

4. Invited Presentations II (10-minute presentations) (10:00AM – 10:30AM PST)

5. GEO Project and Activity Updates (5-minute presentations) (10:30–11:20AM PST)

*****10-minute Break*****

6. Review and Commentary of Small Work Groups (70-minute open discussion) (11:30AM–12:40PM PST)

  • Discussion of Stated Goals, Gaps to Build Capacity, and Next Steps (Juli Trtanj, NOAA)

  • Heat (Ben Zaitchik, John Hopkins University)

  • Infectious Disease: Predict and Prevent Environmentally-sensitive Infectious Diseases (Antar Jutla, University of Florida)

  • Integrating EO-based Population and Data Disaggregation Techniques in One Health Tools and Projects (Stéphanie Brazeau, Public Health Agency of Canada)

  • Health Care Infrastructure (John Balbus, NIH/NIEHS)

  • Cross-cutting Issues (Dorian Janney, NASA)

  • Food Security and Safety (Juli Trtanj, NOAA; Helena Chapman, NASA)

7. Strategic Engagements and Opportunities (12:40–12:50PM PST)

  • Facilitated discussion of strategic opportunities for GEO Health CoP presence (e.g. Can a GEO Health CoP side meeting or town hall engagement be held at any upcoming meetings to promote GEO?) (John Haynes, NASA; Juli Trtanj, NOAA)

  • Facilitated discussion of funding opportunities and potential partnerships (John Haynes, NASA; Juli Trtanj, NOAA)

8. Next Steps and Closing (12:50–1:00PM PST)

  • Meeting summary and discussion of next steps (John Haynes, NASA) (John Haynes, NASA; Juli Trtanj, NOAA; Mark Shimamoto, AGU)