The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Health Community of Practice is pleased to host the next community teleconference on Tuesday, August 29 rom 8:30-10:30AM EDT (GMT-4). This teleconference will highlight posters presented during AmeriGEO Week 2023 and other research applications in the Americas Region by CoP members.
8:30AM – 8:40AM EDT (GMT-4) – Welcome & Opening Words
8:40AM – 9:30AM EDT (GMT-4) – Flash Talks: Categories I, II, and III
9:40AM – 10:00AM EDT (GMT-4) – Flash Talks: Categories IV and V
10:00AM – 10:30AM EDT (GMT-4) – Moderated Q&A discussion
Category I: Environmental Health and Emergencies
Building a Community of Practice in the Americas to Address Challenges associated with Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) (Camilo de los Rios Rueda, Duke University)
Addressing Natural Disasters-induced Health Concerns through GeoAI (Paul Churchyard,
Environmental Emergencies for the Health Facilities situated at the island of Crete (Andreas Skouloudis,
NASA Satellite Data for Population Health Protection (Shay Sharma, NASA HQ / Stanford University)
Category II: Water Resources
Introducing AlgaeMAp - Algae Bloom Monitoring Application for Inland Waters in Latin America (Felipe Lobo, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil)
Enabling User-driven Environmental Management and Improving Health Outcomes using Future NASA PACE Mission Data (Natasha Sadoff, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
PACE Water Resources: Demonstrating the Use of NASA’s PACE Hyperspectral Ocean Color Instrument Data for Enhanced Coastal Management (Matthew Romm, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / North Carolina State University)
Category III: Air Quality
Overview of the NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) (Jenny Bratburd, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Enhancing the Accuracy of Air Quality Forecasts in Delhi via Assimilation of NASA Earth Observations and their Impact on Decision-making Activity (Rajesh Kumar, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)
Sub-Urban Air Pollution Exposures and Associations with Clinical Health Outcomes for Asthma in Jefferson County, Alabama (Susan Alexander, University of Alabama in Huntsville)
The NASA TEMPO Mission: Hourly Daytime Air Pollution Observations for Enhanced Health and Air Quality Studies (Aaron Naeger, University of Alabama in Huntsville)
Category IV: Data Management and Capacity Building
EOTEC DevNet: Fostering Collaboration among the Leading Global Providers of EO Training and Tools (Yasha Moz, NASA HQ)
The Earth Observations Toolkit: Creating Pathways to Healthy Cities and Human Settlements (Corena Pincham, NASA HQ)
Establishing a COVID-19 Observatory and a Pilot Earth Observation Center to Promote Sustainability in Honduras (Reyna Durón, UNITEC, Honduras)
Category V: Infectious Diseases
Spatial Stratification of Dengue based on the Identification of Risk Factors: A Pilot Trial in the Department of Cauca, Colombia (Catalina Marcelo Diaz, Colombia Ministry of Health)
EO 4 Advancing Zoonotic Spillover Mitigation (Jean Felipe Teotonio,