As a global network of governments, organizations, and observers, this international platform aims to promote interdisciplinary collaborations that use environmental observations to improve health decision-making at the international, regional, country, and district levels. This meeting will provide an opportunity for members of Earth science and public health communities to describe key international projects and updates, enhance professional networks through work group activities, and discuss gaps and priorities that advance GEO efforts. Come join your GeoHealth colleagues and learn more about the GEO Health Community of Practice!
Welcome Words (9:00–9:10AM EST/GMT-5)
Opening Words (John Haynes, NASA; Juli Trtanj, NOAA; Helena Chapman, NASA)
International Updates (9:10–9:30AM EST/GMT-5)
GEO Secretariat, including GEO Week 2022 and Youth Engagement (Wenbo Chu, GEO Secretariat)
World Meteorological Organization (Global Heat Health Information Network, GHHIN) (Juli Trtanj, NOAA)
Pan American Health Organization (Juan Castillo, PAHO)
Focus on Infectious Diseases (9:30–10:15AM EST/GMT-5)
Small Work Group: Predict and Prevent Environmentally-sensitive Infectious Diseases (Antar Jutla, University of Florida)
Predictive Assessment of Transmission Conditions of Cholera in the Environment and Human Population using Earth Observations (Antar Jutla and Moiz Usmani, University of Florida)
Dengue MOdel forecasting Satellite-based System (D-MOSS) (Darren Lumbroso, HR Wallingford)
GeoHealth: A Geospatial Surveillance and Response System Resource for Vector Borne Disease in the Americas (Moara Rodgers, Louisiana State University and A&M College)
MEDINA: Machine Learning, Climate Variability and Disease Dynamics (Assaf Anyamba, Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Getting to Zero: Satellite Informed System to Support Elimination of Malaria in the Americas (SISTEMA) (William Pan, Duke University)
Focus on Health Care Infrastructure & Air Quality (10:15–10:50AM AM EST/GMT-5)
Small Work Group: Air Quality, Wildfires, Respiratory Health (Eric Klos, DailyBreath)
Small Work Group: Health Care Infrastructure (Andreas Skouloudis,
Supporting Local Government Public Health and Air Quality Decision-making with a Sub-city Scale Air Quality Forecasting System from Data Fusion of Models, Satellite, In situ measurements, and Low-cost Sensors (Katherine Emma Knowland and Carl Malings, NASA Goddard/Morgan State University)
Enhancing Air Quality Decision-making Activity in Indian Megacities through Assimilation of NASA Earth Observations and Development of a Decision Support System (Rajesh Kumar, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)
Focus on Heat and Food Security (11:10–11:35AM EST/GMT-5)
Small Work Group: Predict and Prevent Heat-related Health Risks across Time Scales (Cascade Tuholske, Montana State University)
Small Work Group: Food Security and Safety (EO4Health, on behalf of Dorian Janney, NASA)
Regional Focus (11:35–11:55AM EST/GMT-5)
Update on AfriGEO Activities (Phoebe Oduor, AfriGEO)
Update on EuroGEO Activities including Early Warning System for Mosquito Borne Diseases (EYWA) (Lara Congiu, European Commission; Haris Kontoes, National Observatory of Athens)
Update on AmeriGEO Activities (Virginia Burkett, USGS; EO4Health)
Discussion, Next Steps & Closing (12:00–12:30PM EST/GMT-5)
Discussion on Cross-cutting Engagements with the GEO Secretariat, International Organizations, Regional GEOs, and CoP members (John Haynes, NASA; Juli Trtanj, NOAA; Helena Chapman, NASA)
Summary and Discussion of Next Steps (John Haynes, NASA; Juli Trtanj, NOAA; Helena Chapman, NASA)